Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Email '07

From: steviek@mybluelight.com
Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2007 22:12:54 +0000
To: smks75@hotmail.com
Subject: Christmas Day

Heres your gift,
It was pretty good. Yeah there were some weird moments like Taylor reading off of a Wal*Mart receipt and acting like someone bought "large black dildos and heated lube" when they purchased her present. Then we all joined in and Dad yelled out "Junk in tha Trunk Volume 4!" Every time it got awkward we would just start laughing. Mom said she wouldn't have made it without Amber. Well I wouldn't of made it without that bottle of E&J's Brandy. Of which was supposed to be for Mimi's Carrot/Rum cake that I happened to pretty much polish off by the time desert hit, hahaha. It was so funny! They were like, "Oh my God who did this?!" My only justification was that they conveniently placed it next to a 2 liter bottle of Coke. Now who would sit alcohol next to the other beverages if it was going to be used for cooking? Yeah I know. Also, it was the only time in the history of my life that Mimi's cake was in fact enjoyably edible. I did everyone a favor. Every other year in the past it has been coated with burnt liquor. "Mmmm, heres an idea for a desert. Lets blend up some carrots and raisins, put them into a cake, then dump brandy all over the top and light it on fire. Yeah, then we'll take a half of a teaspoon of this really delicious frosting, but not too much, because we don't want people to enjoy this flavor so much that they can't taste the blended carrots, raisins and ignited brandy."
Overall the day went really well and I am showing a six pack from all of the laughing I did. Dad was pretty good up until the end when he was showing signs of classic tantrums as we saw everyone out. Its a shame last impressions are are more important than firsts.
So what did you guys all do? Play Monopoly at the Steals' and listen to the Josh Grobin Christmas album, Kidding...sord of
Ps. Can you tell I am bored? Babysitting is so exciting! Christmas vacations are gay..

1 comment:

Sharon Kieffer Steele said...

This is like fine cognac or a black pearl... exquisite.